Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lets get married before "2012"!!!!!!!-- Miss. X

Ok.. so things are settled now with the new year spirit. January gone and life is back to getting up and going to work.(exceptions are people like me). Coming to my strange title, I thank my dearest friend Miss. X for this. ( Let this be anonymous because when this becomes visible on the world wide web I will be slaughtered by her. ok ok thats "she" for sure). It was late June or July and the monsoon last year had made a long long stay. It was one rainy night with all the elements of a horror movie. Trees swaying, winds howling and thick raindrops banging on my roof and typically power cut. Miss X and I were having combined study night and suddenly she was hit by this, " Hey what if die unmarried?" I replied wearily, " What makes you say that?" (there was a very huge discussion.. this is the gist..
Miss X-- Look at 2010, so many earthquakes!! Mayans are true. We will die in 2012!
Me-- None of them have occurred in Nagpur. We are safe till now.
Miss X-- But you never know and don't want to die as an old lonely maid!! we both are without boyfriends!! (thats the true story. Guys hate smart girls. Thats our verdict)
Me-- if we die in 2012, we wont be old!! at least not me!! and besides this speculation about 2012 was just a movie theme. No logic
Miss X-- your imagination is narrowed!! Not at all my problem. See the monsoons are delayed and then they don't go, icebergs melting and you dig for logics?
Me-- Ha ha ha.. see this is your imagination. anyway, I don't mind dying unmarried in 2012 and who knows you might find someone in these two years.
Miss X-- Oh yeah!! 20 odd years roaming with this "single" tag and in two years miracles will work for me!

 So on and on the topic went.. With Miss X thats the case!! She has absolutely out of the world fantastic ideas and fortunate or unfortunate, I don't know.. but I tend to discuss over them!!!!